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Trading Write for Us

Trading Write for Us

Trading involves more common transactions, such as buying and selling stocks, commodities, currency pairs, or other instruments. The aim is to generate returns over the buy-and-hold investment. While investors can be content with 10% to 15% annual returns, traders can aim for a 10% return each month.

Trading profits come from buying at a lower price and selling at a higher price in a relatively short period. The reverse is also true: trading profits can be made by selling at a higher price and buying at a lower price to cover (known as short selling) to take advantage of falling markets.

While buy-and-hold investors expect less profitable positions, traders aim to profit within a given timeframe and often use a protective stop-loss order to close losing positions at a predetermined price level automatically. Traders often use technical analysis tools like moving averages and stochastic oscillators to find high-probability trade setups.

Commercial styles

A trader’s style refers to the period or holding period over which stocks, commodities or other trading instruments are bought and sold. Traders generally fall into one of four categories:

Position Traders: Positions are held from months to years.

Swing traders: Positions remain held from days to weeks

Day traders – positions remain only held throughout the day, no overnight positions.

Scalp traders – positions remain held for seconds or minutes, there are no overnight positions

Traders typically choose their trading style based on account size, time spent trading, level of trading experience, personality and risk tolerance.

Time horizon

Unlike investors, traders have a short-term time horizon in mind when executing their trades. It is because traders constantly monitor the markets for changes in asset prices before taking any action. The goal is to use these ups and downs to maximize profits and minimize losses. A trader’s time horizon can range from a few minutes to several days.

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Why Write for Being Apps – Trading Write for Us

Why Write for Being Apps – Trading Write for Us

Writing for Being Apps can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for Trading.
Being Apps presence is on Social media and will share your article for the Trading related audience.
You can reach out to Trading enthusiasts.

Search Terms Related to Trading

Invention of money
Paper money
Non-physical money
Bilateral trade
Multilateral trade
Division of labour
Economic activity
Comparative advantage
Mass production
Market prices
Spice trade
Grain trade
Department store
Free trade

Search Terms for Trading Write for Us

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