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About CWS Marketing Private Limited

CWS Marketing Private Limited is a private company, incorporated 13 year(s) 8 month(s) 5 day(s) ago on 03-Dec-2008. It’s classified as a non-governmental company and registered with the Registrar of Companies in ROC-DELHI. Because of the financial status at the time of registration of the company CWS Marketing Private Limited, its authorized share capital is Rs. 100,000, and its paid-up capital is Rs. 100,000.

Main Business Activity Detail about CWS Marketing Private Limited

Main Business Activity Detail about CWS Marketing Private Limited

cording to the company registration, which implies business class/subclass code 74140, the company It’s a business and management consultancy. [This class includes providing business advice, guidance, or operational assistance. These activities relate to public relations other than paid advertising, social and charitable issues, politics, and lobbying. Activities related to project management, planning, organization, management information, etc. Arbitration and conciliation between management and workers. The actions of management holding companies remain also included. (Computer activities remain classified in division 72, Legal advice in class 7411, Accounting, bookkeeping, auditing, and tax advice in class 7412, Market research and opinion polling in class 7413, Technical consultancy services in class 7421, and also Advertising in class 7430)].

CWS Marketing Private Limited’s business identification number is U74140DL2008PTC185440, and its registration number is 185440. Its email address is, and its registered address is where the company is registered: B- 8/230POCKET B- 8, SECTOR -3 ROHINI North Delhi, INDIA 110085. You can contact this company through their email or postal address for any queries.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of its remains last held on March 31, 2009; according to Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) records, its balance sheet remains later filed on March 1, 2009, January 1900.

The information shown is as of June 25, 2022. If you believe the information is outdated, Also you can request that this page be automatically updated.

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The previous director, The details of his are not publicly available. Therefore, for complete information on the details of the above Directors, only registered InsiderBiz users can view them.

Who are the directors of CWS Marketing Private Limited

Gurmeet Kaur (din: 02290509) is a director of CWS Marketing Private Limited. And Gurmeet Kaur is associated with the company following.

Another person is Manoj Kumar Vimal, Director of CWS Marketing Private Limited registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), DIN Number 02290557. He is Indian and resides in North Delhi, Delhi, India.

Manoj Kumar Vimal remains currently associated with two companies and is a director of CWS Marketing Private Limited and My Care Whole Health Private Limited. And total paid-up capital of all companies in which Manoj Kumar Vimal holds active positions is ₹200,000.00.

How can we contact the  CWS Marketing Private Limited  Company with our concern/problem/query?

You can send an email directly to the registered email id of the company that you have seen in detail above. You can also post your query/concern/problem/comment using the form provided on the business location page. Your query/concern/comment/problem Please go directly to your business email with us. In our Customer Service Center, you can also view the company’s response to your comments/queries/concerns/problems.


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