
The Weather in Newport News, VA, is mostly cloudy. The current temperature is 68°F, and the forecast high and low temperature for Tuesday, August 16, 2022, is 77°F high and 67°F low. The wind is blowing at 5 miles per hour and coming from the north. The wind is blowing at five mph. So with the wind and atmosphere, the temperature feels like 68° Fahrenheit. The expected precipitation is 10 percent. So with a current humidity of 90 percent and an atmospheric pressure of 29.92 inches. Visibility is ten nautical miles. Because there has been no recent weather alert(s).

Newport News Weather Forecast. Providing a local hourly Newport News weather forecast of rain, sun, wind, humidity, and temperature. The 12-day long-range forecast also includes details of Newport News weather today. Also, live weather reports from Newport News weather stations and weather warnings. Including the risk of thunder, high UV, and gale forecasts. In addition, see the links below the Newport News 12-day weather forecast table for other cities and towns nearby. Along with weather conditions for local outdoor activities.

Climate and Average Climate Throughout the Year in Weather in Newport News VA

In Newport News, the seasons are hot and muggy, the winters are frigid and windy, and it is a wet and partly cloudy year rounded. Over the year, the temperature generally ranges from 32°F to 88°F and is infrequently below 20°F or above 93°F.

Based on the Tourism Slash, So best times of year to visit Newport News for warm-weather activities are from mid-May to early June and from late August to mid-October.

The Average Temperature in Weather in Newport News VA

The hot season lasts for 3.5 months, from May 31 to September 15, with an average daily high temperature above 76°F. The hottest day of the year in Newport News is July, with an average high of 88 °F and a low of 72 °F when this session weather is hot and cold also.

The excellent season lasts for 3.0 months, from December 3 to March 5, with an average daily high temperature below 56°F. The coldest day of the year in Newport News is January. But with an average low of 33 °F and a high of 49 °F.

Clouds- Weather in Newport News VA

In Newport News, the average ratio of the sky covered by clouds experiences slight seasonal variation throughout the year.

The most specific part of the year in Newport News begins around July 29; It lasts 3.8 months and ends around November 24.

The most fantastic month of the year in Newport News is October, When the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy, on average 63% of the time.

The cloudiest part of the year begins around November 24; it lasts 8.2 months and ends around July 28.

The cloudiest month of the year in Newport News is starting month of the year, and when the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy, 50% of the time.

Rain- Weather in Newport News VA

To show variation within months and not just monthly totals, we show accumulated precipitation over a rolling 31-day period centered on each day of the year. Therefore, Newport News experiences some seasonal variations in monthly rainfall.

Because it rains during the year in Newport News. The wettest month in Newport News is August, with an average rainfall of 4.3 inches.

The least rainy month in Newport News is February, with an average rainfall of 2.8 inches.

Water Temperature- Weather in Newport News VA

Water Temperature- Weather in Newport News Va

Newport News is located near a significant body of water (e.g., ocean, sea, or large lake). This unit reports the wide-area average shallow temperature of that sea.

The average water temperature knowledge and seasonal variation throughout the day are significant.

The year with warmer water lasts for 2.6 months, from June 13 to October 2, with an average temperature above 70°F. The year’s day in Newport News with the warmest water in August, with a steady temperature of 76 °F.

The year with cooler water lasts for 3.4 months, from December 19 to April 1, with an average temperature below 49°F. The month of the year with the most incredible water in Newport News is February, with an average temperature of 42°F.


Weather in Newport News, VA information benefits those who want to visit. And also, how is their climate? Which time is a comfort to stay there? The comprehensive information is available there. So it is helpful for everyone.