
To calculate 4/5, the value is already spokes as a fraction. Its equivalent in decimal form is 0.8.

A fraction is a value expressed by the quotient of two whole numbers. Fractions are used to signify a part of the whole. They are in print in the form:

To know the equivalent of four-fifths (4/5), divide four units by five so that we port with five equal parts, which are equivalent to:

4/5 = 0.80 units.

The decimal form creates by dividing the numerator by the denominator:

Therefore, four contain five times 0.80 units.

The division operation attaches an image where four is divided by five.

The fraction 4/5 is equivalent to fractions like 4/5 = 8/10 = 16/20 and the decimal 0.8.


Answer certified by an expert

A fraction is a division of two numbers, usually integers, known as the numerator, the dividend, and the denominator, the divisor.

Two fractions are equivalent if they generate the same result; dividing the numerator by the denominator gives the same result.

There are infinitely many equivalent fractions of a number, it is enough to multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number, and an equal fraction obtain.

The fraction 4/5 is equivalent to fractions like 4/5 = 8/10 = 16/20 = 0.8.

How to Change a Decimal to a Fraction?

1: Write the decimal as a fraction of one (decimal / 1).

2: If the decimal is not an integer, multiply the numerator and denominator by ten until you get an integer in the numerator.

3: Shorten (or reduce) the fraction if it is not in its simplest form.

How do you inscribe 4/5 as a decimal?

To change a fraction to a decimal, divide the top of the fraction (numerator) by the bottom of the fraction (denominator). In this case, the fraction is 45, so divide four by 5. It equals 0.8.

 Fractions 4/5

This calculator operates with basic and modern fractions, expressions with fractions combined with whole numbers, decimals and mixed numbers. It also shows step-by-step details about the method of calculating the fraction. The calculator helps to find the value of multiple fraction operations. Solve problems with two, three or more fractions and numbers in one expression.


4/5 * 4 = 16 / 5 = 3 1 / 5 = 3.2

The spelling result in words is sixteenth (or three and fifth).

How do we solve Fractional Fractions?

Multiple: 4 / 5  * 4 = 4 4 / 5 1 = 16 / 5

Multiply the number and the denominator—the resulting fraction placed on the lowest possible denominator GCD (16, 5) = 1. In the following intermediate stage, the result of the fraction cannot be another primary by the cancellation. In other words, four to five is multiplied by four to sixteen.

Principles of Expression with Fractions:

Fractions: Use the forward slash to divide the digit by the denominator. That is, for five hundredths, enter 5/100. If you use mixed numbers, leave a space between whole and partial parts.

Mixed numbers (mixed numbers or fractions) have a space between the whole number and Use a forward slash to insert fraction and fraction, i.e. 1 2/3. Example of negative mixed fraction: -5 1/2.

Since the forward-slash is a symbol for the fraction line and the distribution, use the colon (:) as the fraction division operator, i.e. 1/2: 1/3. The decimal (decimal number) enter with the decimal. And automatically convert to fractions, i.e. 1.45.


If you need to solve a fraction of a fraction problem like 4/5 in the future, remember that we get the answer by multiplying the numerators together and the denominators together.